There are a number of benefits to facials, so it’s something you should be getting regularly. They should be a part of your health and wellness routine because facials will significantly improve one’s skin.
There are several reasons why you should get regular facials, including the following:
They Will Help Clear Your Pores
Professionally extracted skin will clear your face of blackheads, pores and pimples without scarring or damaging your skin. Extraction is a delicate procedure that you should not attempt on your own because you can make matters worse, and this process should only be done by a professional because they have the knowledge and skills to do it carefully and hygienically. Regularly removing dirt from your pores will allow your skin to breathe better, and your face will look healthier as a result.
They Will Provide You With A Healthy Complexion
Doing a weekly mask at home is not realistic for everyone because this step often ends up at the bottom of our to-do list. During your facial, this step will be completed, and steam will be used to open your pores. Additionally, your skin will be exfoliated to remove dead skin cells, and your pores will be extracted and prepared, after which a mask will be applied to calm and hydrate your skin. This will improve your complexion, and you will feel better overall.
They Help Promote Lymphatic Drainage
Facials generally include some form of face, décolletage and scalp massage, and while this is great for relaxation, it will also help promote lymphatic drainage. This means your facial will get rid of toxins while reducing fluid retention. Flushing out toxins helps promote circulation, and this will cause your skin to glow, and your face will appear more youthful.
They Provide You With A Deep Cleanse
Facials thoroughly remove dirt and oil build-up without drying the skin, and your aesthetician will cleanse your skin properly, so your pores will be refined, and your complexion will look rejuvenated.
They Will Offer You Professional Advice
A beauty therapist will discuss your problem areas while assessing your skin and will provide you with professional skin care advice. They will advise you on the best type of facial and the products you should be using based on your skin type, and this type of information is very valuable because it will help you improve your skin and will allow you to maintain its health.
They Offer High Tech Treatments
Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, oxygen therapy, radiofrequency and vampire facials are all high-tech treatments you can discuss with your beauty therapist, so there are a number of facials you can choose from. This should be based on any skin conditions you have and what you’re trying to improve. Your aesthetician will help you choose the facial that is best for you and your needs.
Now that you know the importance of regular facials, Waterfront Laser can help you book an appointment. We will help you achieve beautiful and healthy skin, so contact us today for more information!